Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fashion Olympics!

This summer brings us the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games!
From July 27 to August 12 millions and millions of people will be watching an estimated 10,000 athletes from all over the world compete in 26 different sporting events. 
I suspect that we will see the impact of the Olympics locale in the United Kingdom in many aspects of our lives this year.  The stylish Brits and their rich history of traditions, royalty, architecture, and of course fashion, will surely bring their influence to the trends of 2012-2013 all over the world. 

It is difficult to tell what exactly will come from this focus on the UK
whether it is the obvious Union Jack...............
Alexander McQueen .....

Or the fashion of the famous designers from the UK.......................

 or from traditional fabrics and textiles from the UK........
Liberty of London......
Target and MAC cosmetics have already predicted
this trend.........

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fabulous Faculty Footwear

If you haven't seen the recent film Bill Cunningham New York , you must!
Bill Cunningham is the 80+ New York Times photographer who has been chronicling fashion trends from street fashion to high society in his columns "On the Street" and "Evening Hours" for over 30 years.  This award winning documentary by Richard Press is a refreshing portrait of a truly dedicated professional fashion photographer and his unassuming character and simple life.  It reminds those of us who work in the sometimes cruel and artificial business of fashion, that there are still some down to earth, real people in this business who recognize that real style doesn't just come movie stars and the wealthy, but may just be those who surround us in our everyday life!

After watching the film, I thought I would document some real fashion in MY own backyard, the University of North Texas.  Style is all around us!  Who says you have to go to NYC or LA to see some interesting footwear.  Check out some of the best of this seasons University of North Texas faculty footwear fashions...............

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What I am inspired by these days............

 I love the texture and appearance of fur and fuzz, but I would never buy or create with real animal fur.  I don't get too caught up in animal rights issues with the fur business, but I just don't see the need to use an animal's fur if I can create something lovely with alternative materials (not too mention the fact that I can't afford to work with real fur either!).  

I could I ever explain using or wearing real fur to one of my furry friends like Susie?

Balenciaga Fall 2005
Fur and mohair stoles, wraps, shrugs, collars, and trims are so elegant and special. They create a feeling of softness and glamour like a filter on a camera lens.  

The last couple of projects I worked on I played with yarns and fabric scraps that were already in my studio left over from a past project to see what I could create to replicate the appearance of fur.
(It's always great when I can use something that I already have!)

Here is one of my prototypes of a faux fur collar.

.................and here is the final result!! 
It was attached to a long sheer silk organza long sleeve jacket worn with a wedding gown.